Birds on the Bluff YouTube Channel

I have decided to simplify our YouTube channel and so have moved all our birding videos to its’ own platform so for the past week or so I have been busy uploading all the content to the new channel.

You can find the channel here: Birds on the Bluff.

Please stop by, subscribe and like so we can grow our new channel.

Rare Visitor to the Feeder

We had a rare visitor to the platform feeder this week. Sadly I didn’t get any photos of it as he/she was here while we were out but I was able to snag some screen shots from the Birdsy camera which is how we knew he/she was here.

This is a Pine Warbler and I have only seen one, one other time, again in our yard but it was several years ago. They look so much like the American Goldfinch that they blend right in with the flock we have this winter.