Disney on Ice

We had such a great time this past weekend taking Avery to her first Disney show. Once we explained that we weren't going to Disney World (how does she even know what that is?), and once she understood we weren't at a baseball game (Nutsy the Squirrel had posters everywhere, learn about Nutsy on this blog post), she and we had a fantastic time. 

Pretty sure we will be singing Let it Go for days :)

When Friends Come Calling

We were so blessed to have our good friends George and Deb come for a visit last weekend. They were looking for a kick-back, nothing really planned, weekend and hopefully that is what we shared.

We hung out at home, played a bit of Wii Bowling (I can't believe how badly I played) , visited a very cool Bourbon distillery that neither Guy and I even knew was up the street (A. Smith Bowman Distillery), sat by a fire or two, ate too much and just had fun. Perfect friends weekend.

We are hoping we don't have to wait until November of next year (when we sail on the Allure together) to see each other again. Guy and I are hoping to head to Massachusetts this summer to visit their neck of the woods.

Camping With Friends - Year 3

For the third year straight, Guy and I hooked up the camper and headed to Grey’s Point RV Resort for a weekend of camping.

What started out as only about 10 campers/families has now grown to almost 40 with over 100 people joining us for laughs, food, drinks, a bit of Halloween and lots of fun. We were able to meet so many new people and really enjoyed getting to know them and can’t wait to see them over the years at future gatherings.

Camping with Friends 2018

This year we did deal with rain a few nights and early mornings but luckily our days were not completely rained out. During the rain we took the time to learn more about our new camper.

The weekend goes by so quickly and we always hate to see it end. It helps though that we once again booked our site for 2019 before heading home from the final trip of the season.