New Holiday Tradition - Neighbors Holiday Meal

Our neighbors and us got together and decided that instead if buying holiday gifts for each other each year we would go out to dinner together to a restaurant we normally didn’t / wouldn’t visit. For this year’s meal we picked the Teppanyaki House in Short Pump. The meal and the company were both wonderful and we are so looking forward to next year’s meal. Wonder where we will head?

Thanksgiving 2020

With the craziness if Covid-19 still raging, Guy and I had to make a decision concerning the holidays. We decided it was best to not see anyone for Thanksgiving with the hopes we could see everyone over the holidays. it was a super quiet day. We walked the property, watched Hallmark Christmas movies, napped and then Skyped our holiday dinner with the Girls and their husbands.

Not the Thanksgiving we are use to and not the Thanksgiving we wanted but if it meant everyone was safe and we would have many more to share in the future it was the Thanksgiving 2020 we needed.

Our First Thanksgiving

It's a very simple rule.. don't let me in the kitchen to prepare the main course of any major meal.  Our first Thanksgiving turkey qualifies for this rule and so Guy became head chef of the day and handled turkey duties while I was in charge of the sides.  This worked out perfectly. 

It was a perfect first Thanksgiving together.  With the boys both working and Devon/Bryan in Germany it was just us two and Shelby.  We had a great visit with her, a nice simple dinner and then she ran off to Jake's house and we headed over to Guy's nephew David's home to visit with his family including Guys brother and sister in law.  Great start to our first holiday season together.
